Power your business with valuable sizing data

User Experience

Any Experience you need for true sizing data

Mobile app

Easy-to-use, customer-friendly app allows shoppers to get measured at speed. Compatible with all smart devices, white label solution for full client customization & functionality.

Embedded web app

Unique customer link, automatically directs shopper to mobile web scanner within website, removing need to download an app.

Sizer kiosk

Stand alone sizing device, smartphone or tablet, for on location scanning of multiple users. Data immediately streamlined to dedicated Sizer intelligence dashboard.

Data Feed

SaaS cloud based solution for any industry

Customer profile

Quick and easy user registration and minimal data requirements maintains privacy assurance.

Body Measuring data

Deep-learning computer algorithms & artificial intelligence calculates precise data for each critical body measurement.

Size recommendations

Hyper-personalized size recommendations for each garment, helps you to eliminate sizing problems, manufacture less & drive sustainability.

Data Management

Rapid integration and deployment

E-commerce customer data module

Bespoke web scanning solutions ready to scale on any eCommerce platform. Provides a seamless shopper experience.

Sizer intelligence dashboard

Easy to use, dedicated client dashboard, centrally manages user profiles, body measurements, and size recommendation data. Includes data visualization and reports.

Sizing Data API Integration

Powerful API, for rapid integration and seamless deployment into any IT systems, website or mobile application.

97% accuracy is more than just sizing

Sizer offers the best body-measuring technology, that powers your value chain with the most accurate customer sizing data

Sizer offers the best body-measuring technology, that powers your value chain with the most accurate customer sizing data


Sizer has developed a set of modular components compatible with Windows, iOS and Android that allow shoppers to measure themselves using just their mobile device’s front end camera.

Data extraction

The user is guided to perform a few simple poses and a 360° turn as they interact with the app, during which time a series of user images is collected from different angles, which help determine exact body contours.

Measurement calculation

Measurements captured with extreme accuracy via a proprietary combination of computer vision deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, delivering personalized size recommendations to each shopper for every garment.


Try the Sizer App now

  • Wacoal Bras
    Case Study

    "Following an intense market study, we chose to collaborate with Sizer as our digital measuring partner due to their unmatched body measurement accuracy and convenient, user-friendly solution."

    Miryha Fantegrossi Vice President of Merchandising and Design

  • Landau
    Case Study

    "Sizer’s highly accurate sizing solutions together with Landau’s promise to always exceed customer expectations and ensure every garment is made to fit and made to last, are a great match"

    Will Hacker, VP Business Development, Landau Uniforms

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